From the author of *Expecting Better, The Family Firm,* and *The Unexpected,* economist Emily Oster presents a data-driven approach to parenting in the early years.
“With so many parenting theories driving us all a bit batty, this is the type of book that we need to help calm things down.” — *LA Times*
“The book is jampacked with information, but it’s also a delightful read because Oster is such a good writer.” — *NPR*
Emily Oster first changed the conversation around pregnancy with *Expecting Better,* offering women the evidence-based information they needed to make informed choices. Now, in *Cribsheet,* she takes on an even bigger challenge: navigating the overwhelming and often contradictory parenting advice that bombards new parents.
From the moment a child is born, parents are faced with endless decisions—about feeding, sleep, discipline, and balancing work and family life. Everywhere they turn, they encounter strong opinions and so-called rules, often presented as absolutes. Yet, the real benefits of these choices are frequently overstated, while the trade-offs are rarely discussed. How can parents make the best choices for their own families?
Using her expertise as an economist, Oster examines the data behind common parenting advice and finds that much of what is widely accepted doesn’t always hold up. She challenges myths around breastfeeding (not a miracle solution), sleep training (not as bad as it seems), potty training (timing is flexible—and incentives might help), language development (early talkers aren’t necessarily more intelligent), and more. She also helps parents think through bigger questions, such as when and how to return to work, strategies for toddler discipline, and how to nurture both a relationship and a child at the same time.
At its core, economics is about decision-making—and *Cribsheet* is a guide for parents looking to cut through the noise and make informed, confident choices. As both a researcher and a mother of two, Oster provides a reassuring and practical approach to parenting during the early years, helping parents stay grounded and sane before their child reaches preschool.
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