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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The Illustrated Edition (Harry Potter, Book 5)

$54.99 $49.49

SKU: 9780545791434 Category: Tags: , , Product ID: 20798

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J. K. Rowling


Scholastic Inc.

1 in stock


The fifth installment in the beloved and bestselling Harry Potter series is now available in a breathtaking illustrated edition, filled with brilliant full-color artwork.

At the end of a silent corridor, there is a door that haunts Harry Potter’s dreams. Night after night, he wakes in terror, his screams echoing in the darkness. But his growing unease isn’t just about the looming O.W.L. exams, the arrival of a new teacher with a sickly sweet yet cruel demeanor, a bitter and resentful house-elf, or even the increasing danger posed by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Harry is now confronted with a far greater challenge—the magical world’s very own government is proving unreliable, and even the authorities at Hogwarts seem powerless.

Yet, in the face of uncertainty and fear, Harry discovers strength and resilience within himself and his friends, forging bonds of unwavering loyalty and enduring sacrifice.

This extraordinary illustrated edition showcases the combined talents of award-winning artists Jim Kay and Neil Packer, bringing to life unforgettable moments and beloved characters such as Tonks, Luna Lovegood, and more. With its large format, premium paper, ribbon bookmark, and vibrant color on nearly every page, this edition is a must-have for Harry Potter fans and book lovers of all ages.


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