In *Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden*, you can explore numerous ancient manuscripts that were not included in the canonized Bible and gain a deeper appreciation for those that were. Although considered apocryphal—many of them having been suppressed by early Church leaders—these lost texts, including gospels, testaments, and epistles, are both fascinating and beautifully written.
This volume includes:
Apocryphal gospel accounts such as *The Gospel of the Birth of Mary*, *Thomas’s Gospel of the Infancy of Christ*, and *Peter’s Gospel.*
Apocryphal epistles, including *Paul’s Letter to the Laodiceans*, *Clement’s Letter to the Corinthians*, and *The General Epistles of Barnabas.*
Letters written by Ignatius to early Christian communities, including the *Ephesians*, the *Romans*, and the *Trallians.*
The early second-century Christian text *The Shepherd of Hermas.*
Roman letters and reports from figures such as *Herod* and *Pontius Pilate.*
Ancient fables from Old Testament times, including *The Books of Adam and Eve*, *The Secrets of Enoch*, and *The Psalms of Solomon.*
Historical writings like the *Fourth Book of Maccabees.*
And more.
Each text is preceded by a brief introduction providing insights into its origins. In addition, the book features black-and-white images of etchings from early manuscripts.
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