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Ten Women of the Bible Updated Edition: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World

$21.99 $19.79

SKU: 9780310172055 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 21653

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We don’t know all their names. Some are referred to in Scripture only by their nationality. Some are known only by where they lived. Some became queens; others lived on the fringes of society. One gave birth to a nation; another gave birth to the Messiah. Their culture often overlooked or discounted the contributions of women, yet the writers of Scripture found these women and the role they played remarkable to the telling of God’s story.

As we study the lives of the women in the Bible, we find important truths that God wants us to grasp. They lived in a different world than our own, but we find ourselves facing the same issues they faced. Yet even more, these women show us there is a God who sees us where we are and loves us for who we are. He is the one who hovers over all the pages of the Bible, shaping lives, rescuing hearts, healing sicknesses, raising what was dead to life, and assigning high callings to those who choose to follow him and have faith in him.

In this ten-lesson workbook, Max Lucado recounts some of his favorite stories of these ten women—Sarah, Abigail, Esther, the Samaritan Woman, Mary Magdalene, and others—and describes what set them all apart.

Each lesson includes:

Five daily in-depth Bible studies to help you navigate the stories of Scripture
Summary points to help you remember the key takeaways from each lesson
Daily prayers to help you focus your thoughts and move into your quiet time
Weekly memory verses to help you hide God’s Word in your heart and rewrite it in your own words


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