Since its release in 2001, *The Voice of the Heart* has steadily made its way into the lives of those seeking more meaning and depth. Passed from one friend to another, this book has helped thousands find the courage to speak their truth and live more fully from the heart. In *The Voice of the Heart*, Chip Dodd encourages us to explore and understand our hearts so that we can know ourselves better, build deeper relationships, and ultimately experience a closer connection with God.
This journey begins with recognizing *The Eight Feelings™*: hurt, lonely, sad, anger, fear, shame, guilt, and glad. These emotions serve as essential tools, guiding us to live authentically even in the midst of life’s struggles. By embracing these God-given feelings, we can step into who we were created to be and fulfill our true purpose.
Dan Allender, Professor of Counseling Psychology at The Seattle School and author of *The Wounded Heart, To Be Told,* and *Leading with a Limp*, praises the book by saying, “Chip Dodd passionately and wisely invites us to the spiritual discipline of listening to our hearts and to the call of God that echoes in every emotion.”
Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse and renowned Christian evangelist, also commends *The Voice of the Heart*, stating, “The Bible tells us that the heart ‘is the wellspring of life.’ In this thoughtful book, Chip Dodd [reveals] how our spiritual heart functions and how we can discover more of the life Christ offers. I’m confident that many will find his insights helpful and even life-changing.”
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