With over 4.7 million copies in circulation, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ essential parenting guide has been a trusted resource for more than three decades, helping to shape the health and well-being of children.
As a parent, you want to provide the best possible care for your child. When questions arise, the 67,000 pediatricians of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) offer expert answers. Based on the latest AAP recommendations, this evidence-based guide covers everything from preparing for childbirth to breastfeeding, potty training, and starting school.
This newly revised and updated eighth edition reflects the most current AAP policies and guidelines. Some of the many topics covered in this comprehensive child care handbook include:
Allergies and asthma
Autism spectrum disorder
Car seat safety
Cough and cold treatments
CPR instructions
Early brain development
Environmental hazards
Head lice
Media and technology exposure
MRSA infections
Newborn screening
Organic foods
Parenting multiples
Prenatal and newborn care
RSV prevention
Safe sleep and SIDS
Sickle cell disease
Vitamin and iron supplementation
Additionally, this guide features a complete health encyclopedia covering injuries, illnesses, congenital conditions, and other medical concerns.
New parents will find this pediatrician-approved resource invaluable, especially during late-night health scares and in determining whether a visit to the pediatrician, urgent care, or emergency room is necessary.
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